Imperial partners with the City of Cape Town in establishing an Asset Care Centre

23 November 2010

The City of Cape Town’s Electrical Support Services (ESS) department is responsible for civil projects and maintenance, corrosion protection, electrical projects and transformer refurbishment. Pragma Africa was contracted to establish an Asset Care Centre (ACC) that is driving the day to day facilitation and delivery of the Improvement Program.

Project Duration: 2007
Imperial Logistics Operating Company: Pragma Africa

Client Background

The City of Cape Town’s Electrical Support Services (ESS) department is responsible for civil projects and maintenance, corrosion protection, electrical projects and transformer refurbishment for the City of Cape Town’s Electricity Directorate.

Key Challenges


Pragma Africa was contracted to establish an Asset Care Centre (ACC). The day to day facilitation and delivery of the Improvement Program was driven through the ACC which was established on ESS’s premises and staffed by Pragma. Below are some of the ACC duties.

Key Outcomes/Benefits

Client Comment

“The team effort provided by both the ESS and Pragma staff has made this operation a vastly improved, more effective division ensuring service delivery to all our clients. This would not have been possible without the Pragma ACC intervention.” – Floris Mostert, Head: Electrical Support Services

Contact Details

T: +27 11 318 0641
F: +27  11 318 0666

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