Pioneering Traffic Management Technologies

23 November 2010

Traffic Management Technologies provides intelligent transportation systems and enforcement services, while delivering infringement, offence administration and management services in compliance with the AARTO legislation. e-Logics was contracted to develop, deploy and support the AARTO Violation Processing Centre (A-VPC) system for TMT.

Project Duration: February 2009 – October 2010

Imperial Logistics Operating Company: e-Logics

Client Background

Traffic Management Technologies (TMT) is a prominent role player in intelligent transportation systems and enforcement services in the South African market. The Johannesburg Metropolitan Police Department (JMPD) appointed TMT as a service provider to deliver infringement, offence administration and management services in compliance with the new AARTO (Administrative Adjudication of Road Traffic Offences) legislation. The efficient provision of these services required a purpose-built software system that automates and supports these processes. All infringement and offence evidence must be captured to comply with audit requirements and provide process visibility through tracking and reporting.

Key Challenges

The AARTO legislation brings a new dimension to enforcement services that require integration into many systems and processes across different role-players. These integration points include different JMPD service providers such as Cyprus, e-Natis, SAPO (South African Post Office) and the front office software Gismo. Although the AARTO legislation has been developed over a number of years, the associated processes involved required flexibility and quick innovative adaptations; and these had to be done to the solution when numerous issues were encountered during the deployment of the system.


e-Logics developed, deployed and currently supports the AARTO Violation Processing Centre (A-VPC) system for TMT. The system is used to assist the JMPD to administrate and adjudicate the issuing of infringement documentation and all related processes that start once an infringement notice has been issued. The system accommodates the legitimate and on-time issuing of traffic violations to the general public and businesses; and supports the AARTO legislative workflow. The whole development process followed a “quick wins” phased approach and we provided the ability to make adaptations in very short time frames.

Key Outcomes/Benefits

TMT Comment

“e-Logics in conjunction with TMT developed a software system from ground level in accordance with the requirements of the AARTO Act. This is still a very changeable environment and the goals are ever changing. Adapting to this is one of the biggest challenges as the normal set of procedures and work mythology cannot always be applied,” says Desiree Olivier, A-VPC Manager, TMT.

Contact Details

T: +27 12 667 3231F: +27 12 667 3262

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