HOME Integrated Annual Report 2012 Sustainability Report 2012 Annual Financial Statements 2012
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TS Gcabashe*, (Chairman) BA (Botswana), MURP (Ball State Univ, USA), PED, IMD Lausanne SL Botha*, BEcon, BEcon (Hons) T Dingaan, BProc, LLB, LLM, HDip (Tax) S Engelbrecht*, BSc, MBL, MDP Insead P Langeni*, BCom (Accounting) MJ Leeming*, BCom, MCom, FCMA, FIBSA, AMP MV Moosa, BSc RJA Sparks*, BCom (Hons), CA(SA), MBA A Tugendhaft (Deputy chairman), BA, LLB Y Waja*, BCom, CA(SA) * Independent

HR Brody (Chief Executive), BAcc (Hons), CA (SA) OS Arbee, BAcc, CA(SA), HDip Tax MP de Canha RL Hiemstra, BCompt (Hons), CA(SA) AH Mahomed (Deputy Chief Executive), BCompt (Hons), CA(SA), HDip Tax GW Riemann (German) M Swanepoel, BCom Acc (Hons)

Executive committee
HR Brody (Chairman), M Akoojee, OS Arbee, MP de Canha, BJ Francis, RL Hiemstra, AH Mahomed, PB Michaux, M Mosola, JJ Strydom, M Swanepoel

Audit committee
MJ Leeming (Chairman), P Langeni, RJA Sparks, Y Waja

Remuneration and nomination committee
TS Gcabashe (Chairman), SL Botha, P Langeni, RJA Sparks, A Tugendhaft

Risk committee
Y Waja (Chairman), H Adler, OS Arbee, HR Brody, S Engelbrecht, BJ Francis, R Haman, RL Hiemstra, MJ Leeming, PB Michaux, G Rudman, JJ Strydom

Social, ethics and sustainability committee
MV Moosa (Chairman), OS Arbee, MP de Canha, BJ Francis, TS Gcabashe, PB Michaux, M Mosola, M Swanepoel, A Tugendhaft, RA Venter

Assets and liabilities committee
HR Brody (Chairman), RL Hiemstra, MJ Leeming, AH Mahomed, R Mumford, WF Reitsma, M Swanepoel

Group internal audit executive
G Nzalo, BCom, CA(SA), CIA

Group treasurer
WF Reitsma, BTech Banking, MCom, FIBSA, FIFM Group legal advisor and company secretary RA Venter, BCom, LLB, LLM

Group legal advisor and company secretary
RA Venter, BCom, LLB, LLM

Group risk executive
BJ Francis, BCompt (Hons), CIA

Business address and registered office
Imperial Place
Jeppe Quondam
79 Boeing Road East

Postal address and contact numbers
PO Box 3013
Telephone +27 (0) 11 372 6500
Facsimile +27 (0) 11 372 6550

Name and registration number
Imperial Holdings Limited

Share transfer secretaries
Computershare Investor Services (Pty) Limited
70 Marshall Street
PO Box 61051
Telephone +27 (0)11 370 5000
Facsimile +27 (0)11 370 5487

Group head: Sustainability
MR Sharfuddin, BBA, IMP Insead
Telephone +27 (0)11 372 6500
Email: rsharfuddin@ih.co.za



JSE information
Ordinary share code: IPL
ISIN: ZAE000067211
Preference share code: IPLP
ISIN: ZAE000088076

Shareholders’ diary
Final dividend: 1 October 2012
Annual general meeting: 31 October 2012
Interim results released: February 2013
Interim dividend: March 2013
Final results released: August 2013
Final dividend: September 2013


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