HOME Integrated Annual Report 2012 Sustainability Report 2012 Annual Financial Statements 2012
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Our energy consumption

The group consumes energy directly and indirectly in various forms. The largest single source of direct energy consumption is fossil fuel for road, water and air transport, while electricity purchased accounts for the most significant indirect source of energy.

Management and measurement

Every effort is made to introduce greater energy efficiency across all operations, and to reduce energy consumption wherever possible. We recognise that doing so will help reduce our carbon footprint and assist in lowering the risk of climate change through global warming. Energy efficiency is also a business imperative as the rising cost of fuel and electricity can materially impact our profitability and greater energy efficiency will play a key role in mitigating this risk.

At a group level, we measure total fuel consumed, biofuel consumed and electricity purchased on a monthly basis. This is reported from each division via our centralised non-financial performance system.

Division Electricity purchased (kWh)   Biofuel consumed (litres)   Fuel consumed (litres)  
Logistics Southern Africa 56 948 284   250 000   218 352 007  
Logistics International 16 357 474   0   16 962 288  
Car Rental and Tourism 9 023 726   0   7 600 755  
Distributorships 42 555 216   0   18 356 523  
Automotive Retail 36 012 883   0   9 319 492  
Financial Services 2 245 372   0   491 070  
Other 397 919   0   22 748  
Total group 163 540 874   250 000   271 104 883  

Electricity purchased per division (kWh)
Electricity purchased per division (kWh)

Energy efficiency initiatives and successes

In our motor vehicle and transportation fleets we drive energy efficiency by introducing new technology, regularly maintaining and upgrading our vehicles and carriers, and ensuring that our drivers are properly trained.

Various businesses within the group are involved in initiatives to reduce energy consumption. These include retro-fitting existing lighting systems with energy efficient lighting, construction of new facilities according to green building standards that use natural lighting, installation of photo voltaic panels and use of solar-powered lighting.

During the year Imperial SA Logistics won first place in the Best Energy Saving and Transport categories at the Enviropaedia Eco Logistics Awards. The Best Energy Saving Award was awarded to Imperial Cargo for a project that saw the company transform a Paarl-based dumpsite into a ‘green logistics’ landmark site through the use of renewable energy and a self-sufficient approach to power generation and water management.

Europcar sponsored national Green Office Week for the third consecutive year, encouraging companies to adopt more environmentally friendly ways of doing business.

Imperial Logistics’ extensive list of initiatives within its ‘green logistics evolution’ won it the Transport Award. The initiative includes worldclass driver training and employee engagement, the introductionof South Africa’s first Euro 5 vehicles, ‘extra distance’ studies and network redesign to eliminate logistics inefficiencies, as well as the application of nitrogen powered transport refrigeration.

Energy efficiency and green logistics are key priorities in the European market. With a focus on intelligently networking all carriers and by expanding its intermodal division Neska, Imperial Logistics International has steered new flows of commodities to its terminals so that, where appropriate, goods are only transported by truck for the final leg of their destination.



Neska’s new solar facility promotes
renewable energy

Neska’s new solar facility at its Dusseldorf branch went into operation in November 2011, and has been feeding electric current with a peak capacity of 267kW into the Stadtwerke Dusseldorf power grid. The project promotes renewable energy and resulted in a subsidy to Neska from the Stadtwerke Dusseldorf.

In 2011/12, six tankers and one gas tanker of the Imperial Shipping Group received the Green Award for high ecological standards and an application for further vessels has been submitted.

The distributorships division is in the process of building an entirely ‘green’ Kia dealership, which will include eco-friendly lighting and air conditioning and solar heating. The new Hyundai head office building, currently under construction in Bedfordview, Gauteng, is expected to achieve a 4-star green rating. It will include a number of energy saving initiatives, including light sensors and sophisticated electricity monitoring systems.

Looking forward

The current year’s utilisation of fuel and electricity usage will be used to set future, appropriate reduction targets. These will be determined by each division in line with what is most feasible and relevant for each business

In our transport fleets, we will continue to drive identification of new technologies that will help to improve fuel efficiency. Our South African fleets will gradually be upgraded to Euro 5 standards, depending on the availability of suitable low sulphur fuel.

Plans are also in place to conduct detailed energy audits of selected buildings through the National Cleaner Production Centre. These audits are expected to take place from September 2012, and will help us to identify areas where we can reduce the energy consumption and carbon footprint of our office buildings and warehouse facilities.


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