> Corporate information


SP Kana# (Chairman), A Tugendhaft##, (Deputy Chairman), MJ Lamberti (Chief Executive), OS Arbee (Chief Financial Officer), MP de Canha,
P Cooper#, G Dempster#, T Dingaan#, RM Kgosana#, P Langeni#, P Michaux, MV Moosa##, RJA Sparks#, M Swanepoel, Y Waja#

# Independent non-executive ## Non-executive

Company Secretary

RA Venter

Group Investor Relations Manager

E Mansingh

Business address and registered office

Imperial Place, Jeppe Quondam, 79 Boeing Road East, Bedfordview, 2007

Share transfer secretaries

Computershare Investor Services Proprietary Limited, 70 Marshall Street, Johannesburg, 2001


Merrill Lynch SA (Pty) Limited, The Place, 1 Sandton Drive, Sandton, 2196

The results announcement is available on the Imperial website: www.imperial.co.za

Registration number: 1946/021048/06
Ordinary share code: IPL ISIN: ZAE000067211
Preference share code: IPLP ISIN: ZAE000088076