Environmental impact of our products and services

Many of the products we sell and the services we render have a significant impact on the environment. Transport-related products including motor vehicles and trucks contribute to carbon emissions and waste streams of oil, tyres, glass, metal and plastic. Although vehicle manufacturers continually strive to increase the percentage of products that can be recycled, very few parts are not recyclable which contribute directly or indirectly to pollution.

Services rendered by the group contribute to pollution in various ways. Logistics operations contribute to carbon emissions and accidental spillages, while car rental fleets also carry a significant carbon footprint. We do not measure the environmental footprint caused by the use of group assets by third parties.

Our key impacts on the environment include the following:

Carbon emissions
chiefly through our transport and logistics operations
Energy use
through fuel and in office, manufacturing and warehouse facilities
Water usage
through motor vehicle washbays, which consume the most significant quantities of water
Effluent and waste
transported by logistics businesses on behalf of clients, and generated through a variety of business activites

Our environmental stakeholders

In assessing and managing our environmental impacts, we take cognisance of our environmental stakeholders.

Government is one of our primary stakeholders and where appropriate and necessary we engage with local, regional and national representatives of the Department of Water Affairs, the Department of Environmental Affairs, the Department of Energy and the Department of National Treasury. We also lobby government on the development of environmental public policies through a variety of industry representative bodies.

We engage a variety of institutions for which environmental matters are a key agenda item. These include but are not limited to the National Business Initiative, the CSIR, the National Cleaner Production Centre and WWF.

We recognise communities, broader society and NGOs as important stakeholders in environmental matters and engage with them on our environmental impact through a variety of formal and informal platforms.

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