Our sustainability journey

We continue to make progress in our sustainability journey and each year strengthens our understanding and measurement of key sustainability indicators across our business.

Internally this journey has been guided by the social, ethics and sustainability committee, Imperial’s unifying and controlling factors the group’s Sustainability Framework and Strategy, and its sustainability roadmap.

Social, ethics and sustainability committee

The role of the social, ethics and sustainability committee encompasses all aspects of sustainability.

The committee performs statutory duties as set out in the Companies Act, 71 of 2008 for Imperial Holdings Limited and on behalf of subsidiary companies in the group. In addition to its statutory duties, it assists the company in discharging its social, ethics and sustainability responsibilities and implementing practices consistent with good corporate citizenship, with particular focus on the following:

The King III Code of Corporate Governance.
Imperial’s sustainability commitments.
Broad-based Black Economic Empowerment (B-BBEE) requirements as described in the Department of Trade and Industry’s Combined Generic Scorecard (excluding ownership targets) and associated Codes of Good Practice.
Imperial’s transformation commitments as described in the group transformation strategy document and division-specific B-BBEE plans.
Environmental commitments as described in Imperial’s environmental policy framework.
Corporate social investment (CSI) commitments as described in Imperial’s CSI policy.
Imperial’s Code of Ethics and Corporate Values.
Health and safety compliance.

The committee has a standard agenda item at every meeting covering material breaches of the group’s code of ethics, if any, as well as the steps taken to prevent such breaches. No material breaches of the group’s code of ethics were reported during the year.

During the year, the committee discharged its statutory duties as set out in the Act and Regulations thereto by monitoring the company’s activities relating to:

social and economic development, including the company’s standing in terms of the goals and purposes of the 10 principles set out in the United Nations Global Compact Principles, the OECD recommendations regarding corruption, the Employment Equity Act and the Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment Act;
good corporate citizenship, including the company’s promotion of equality, prevention of unfair discrimination, and reduction of corruption, its contribution to development of the communities in which its activities are predominantly conducted or within which its products or services are predominantly marketed and its sponsorship, donations and charitable giving;
the environment, health and public safety, including the impact of the company’s activities and of its products or services;
consumer relationships, including the company’s advertising, public relations and compliance with consumer protection laws; and
labour and employment, including the company’s standing in terms of the International Labour Organisation Protocol on decent work and working conditions and the company’s employment relationships, and its contribution towards the educational development of its employees.

The committee comprises non-executive directors who are not involved in the day-to-day business of the group, executive directors as well as other members of senior management of the company and is chaired by a non-executive director.

Business integrity and ethics

The board has adopted a written code of ethics for the group.

Without satisfactory profits and a strong financial foundation, it would not be possible to fulfil our responsibilities to shareholders, employees, society, and those with whom we do business. However, our corporate actions are not governed solely by economic criteria, but also take into account social, environmental and political considerations.

We strive to innovate and adopt best practice, wherever we operate, working in consultation with stakeholders.

Management and employees operate within a framework that requires complying with all applicable laws and maintaining the highest integrity in conducting the group’s business.

Our core value is to act with uncompromising honesty and integrity. Our code of ethics provides guidance to all staff, management and directors of Imperial and its subsidiaries on adhering to this core value, although we recognise that no single code can address every situation individuals are likely to encounter. As such, this code is not a substitute for employees’ responsibility and accountability to exercise good judgement and obtain guidance on appropriate business conduct.

Our divisions also include aspects of ethics in their induction programmes. In addition, the group regularly conducts climate surveys among its employees and ethics forms an integral part of the surveys.

The group also maintains a confidential tip-off facility where any instances of criminal activity of breaches of the code of ethics can anonymously be reported. Reports in this regard are considered by divisional management structures, internal audit and responsible board committees.

Our code of ethics

At all times the group and, where appropriate, our employees will:

Respect others and avoid any form of discrimination.
Abide by the laws of the country in which we operate and comply with the code of conduct of all professional and industry bodies to which we belong.
Avoid any waste, damage and private use of company assets and resources (including time).
Neither give nor receive bribes.
At the earliest opportunity, disclose in writing to the appropriate management all gifts received from clients or suppliers beyond a token value.
Not divulge any confidential information to any party, or improperly use company and client information.
Market our products and services accurately and charge the agreed fee or a fair fee where no fee was agreed.
Not seek to advance our personal interests at the expense of the company or our clients.
Not engage in any activity, directly or indirectly, which results or might result in a conflict of individual interests with the interests of the group.
Not participate, or involve the company in any way, in any scheme that would cause embarrassment to the company or harm its reputation. If we believe public disclosure of any action would be detrimental to the company, this action should be avoided.

Employment and labour rights

The group subscribes to the principles of fair labour practices at our workplaces, and our conditions of service comply with applicable laws and industry standards.

The group recognises representative trade unions and has established forums for communication.

Safety, health and environmental stewardship

We report regularly at executive, board level and through the SHE committee on our safety, health and environmental (SHE) performance. Senior executives and line management are accountable for the group’s SHE issues and for allocating adequate financial and human resources within their operations to address these matters.

We work to keep SHE at the forefront of workplace concerns. Our objective is to prevent fatalities, work-related injuries and health impairment of our employees.

Work-related fatalities are comprehensively investigated by management and considered by the social, ethics and sustainability committee.

We recognise the need for environmental stewardship to minimise consumption of natural resources and waste generation, and to minimise the impact of our operations on the environment.

Unifying and controlling factors

Imperial consists of a number of diverse transport and mobility businesses, each with its own challenges, stakeholders and operating environments. In addition to functions controlled or initiated at group level, each business has its own sustainability initiatives, designed to address areas of importance in that business and the community in which it operates. This stems from the group’s philosophy to empower local and divisional management who are best placed to make decisions relevant to their business and industry.

However, this decentralised management approach is balanced by Imperial’s unifying and controlling factors. These outline the general principles that govern how the company conducts its business, stipulating the requirements to which all employees must adhere regarding business integrity, quality, health, safety and environmental protection, human rights, commitment to the community, employment practices and compliance with the local law.

It also provides for periodic review and audit to ensure the continued relevance of and conformance to the guidelines.

Sustainability Framework and Strategy

Our Sustainability Framework outlines the key social, economic and environmental areas in which our activities have a material impact and facilitates group-wide measurement, reporting and management of our performance in these areas. The primary focus areas defined in the Sustainability Framework are:

Energy and climate impacts – carbon output.
Social issues – transformation, diversity and skills development.
Health and safety – road safety and HIV.
Waste produced by group operations – discharges to air, landfill and water.

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