Since its inception, Imperial has continuously sought ways and means to discover, foster and nurture talent and initiative amongst its employees. The company firmly believes in identifying and mentoring those individuals who display innovative and entrepreneurial flair and assisting such performers in realising their goals to the benefit of the individuals themselves and the company as a whole.
In the context of Imperial’s company-wide BBBEE commitment, Enterprise Development, in simple terms, is a business to black business transaction where the aim is to provide, contribute and assist in the operational and financial development of the business’ sustainability.
A recent stand-out case has been that of John Morajane, an employee at Imperial Cargo Solutions and now a Small Micro Enterprise (SME) entrepreneur. His vision and zeal were identified through Imperial’s long-standing Broad Based Black Economic Empowerment (BBBEE) philosophy.
Morajane attended Ekwaluseni Primary School in Vrede and then completed his matric at Secondary School Evungwini High. Then, after being awarded a number of certificates in Business Proficiency and completing a shop floor leadership development programme, he began his work career at Imperial Cargo in 2002 as a truck driver.
He quickly gained a reputation for efficiency and innovation while always harbouring the ambition to run his own ‘clean-up company’ within the transport industry. His dream became a reality in 2008 and his Enterprise Development company NOTOS has been cleaning up ever since.
Enterprise Development in Action
Through Imperial’s BBBEE programme the company recognised Mr Morajane’s extraordinary business acumen and willingness to advance his own and his fellow employees’ status by setting up a niche service within the company – NOTOS Cleaning Services c.c.
The company quickly took Morajane’s idea on board and assisted him in setting up an onsite yard and truck-cleaning wash bay, as well as supporting him with other ancillary facilities.
The outcome is that Morajane’s enterprise now oversees the washing and cleaning of over 400 Imperial trucks a month. His tasks also include the cleaning of the yard, the wash bays and the rest room services on site.
“I witnessed many disadvantages in working conditions and productivity that had to do with basic dirt and untidiness. I saw that there was an opportunity to improve these all-round standards and provide better performance in all spheres of the cargo and logistical industry. Imperial Logistics gave me the chance to start up NOTOS Cleaning Services and the company has just grown from strength to strength.”
– John June Morajane
To ensure the ongoing success of the NOTOS venture, Imperial provides the c.c. with free rental space which includes free office admin space, wash bay areas and a free supply of water and electricity.
In addition, Morajane has been able to create 15 full time jobs on his premises since 2011 and the company has provided him with an interest-free loan to grow his assets and expand his business.
Over and above this, Imperial has assisted NOTOS in setting up an onsite canteen and tuck shop for truck drivers moving in and out of the Imperial facilities on a daily basis.
Again, Morajane pays no rent on this extension of his business and he is also assisted with a storeroom and office at no extra charge. He also enjoys full bookkeeping, computer, IT and internet services free. Morajane’s enthusiasm for all these roles is infectious and other staff members are only too happy to mentor him on topics such as basic bookkeeping and with practical tips on running a business successfully.
From July 2014 to June 2015, Imperial has spent over R100 000 in supporting NOTOS Cleaning Services c.c. and is assessing the feasibility of other enterprise developments such as these and in funding sole suppliers to Imperial.
For the financial year July 2015 to June 2016 NOTOS will graduate from the ED Programme to the SD Programme where Mr Morajane will receive both monetary and non-monetary support which will enable him to grow his business and access new markets as a proven reliable and sustainable supplier.
Morajane’s business is now poised to move to other sections of the Imperial Group and the seed that was planted is set to bear fruit companywide.
Now, within just four years, NOTOS is on the verge of being financially independent – an indication as to how Imperial encourages, supports and rewards innovative thinking and entrepreneurial drive.
At present Imperial is closely monitoring the initiatives of its employees with a view to assisting them fulfil their potential and standing by to help them succeed in their own right as ‘entrepreneurs’ – within the company – to the benefit of themselves, their families, their co-workers and the company as a whole. This is indicative of Imperial’s absolute commitment to the economic up lift and wellbeing of each and every one of its employees.
Healthy enterprise development
The health and well-being of our employees and those of the communities in which we operate have always been issues that Imperial cares deeply about.
Imperial’s outreach project – the Unjani Clinic initiative – has not only proved sustainable since its inception in 2013, the project is now serving a wider cross-section of previously disadvantaged communities and providing employment for more selected trainees and health providers.
Imperial Logistics has laid the foundations for this development with Capital Expenditure made to the enterprise and also supplies stock on loan at preferential terms. In addition, the clinics’ nurses and supervising entrepreneurs’ and supported and mentored in the goal of providing quality health care to the communities.
In total, in 2015 alone, Imperial Logistics has paid R4 million towards Unjani’s budget and future growth plans.
With the initial opening of each new clinic two to three new jobs are created – typically, a professional nurse, clinic assistant and a security and maintenance provider.
Between 72 and 108 new jobs will be created for people in the communities through June 2017
At least 36 new clinics will be opened over the next two years, creating over a hundred new jobs and enhancing Unjani’s provision or primary healthcare.
Through Unjani Clinics NPC, a non-profit company established by Imperial with a full-time staff contingent of six, the appointment of professional nurses in the clinics is overseen through a stringent set of criteria and an in-depth interview process.
Not only are the health and social needs of the communities being met by Unjani, the initiative is proving commercially sustainable. Professional enterprise development agreements and a comprehensive support manual support the day-to-day running of the clinics. Computerised patient management, financial and order-and-supply systems have been implemented to improve controls and operating efficiencies. Feedback from owner/operators is also being sourced and collated to assist in the roll-out of future clinics.
Training of staff and regulatory compliance are two areas where Imperial, through NPC, is concentrating much effort. Training providers and accredited training programmes are being instated to ensure the continued professionalism of Unjani’s service provision. This is being achieved via close engagement with the Department of Health to cement clarity and recognition of the Unjani initiative.
Unjani will be providing over 20 000 people with quality health care in the near to medium future
With a target of 350 patient visits per month (up from 180 in its first year of operation) the impact of the Unjani initiative is clearly apparent. At clinics which have been operating for a little less than two years on average, patient targets are not only being met by exceeded.
And, as with all Imperial’s Enterprise Development undertakings, the long-term sustainability of the project is the company’s core consideration.